Cozi FarmProfileContentPhotosFollowing
Bio by Cozi Farm:
Cozi Farm is a diversified, thriving polyculture where animals are treated with reverence and grace, earthworms are cherished, and all critters eat a species-appropriate diet.

We offer pastured eggs from chickens fed a locally milled and organic ration, and our hens are moved to fresh pasture daily where they eat a full complement of bugs and fresh forages.

Our poultry and pig rations contain a diversity of proteins (including flax and field peas) in order to improve the taste and nutritional profile of our products and reduce our reliance on soy. The soy in our rations are different from conventional feedstuffs in that it's derived from whole, roasted organic soybeans instead of soybean meal, an industrial waste product (processed with hexane) often fed to livestock.

The hens follow our dairy cows, goats and sheep in a rotation that takes into account the need of the grass to regenerate in order to provide the best nutrition for all the animals and to allow the soil to capture the most carbon from the atmosphere. Ruminants are not fed grain and thrive on daily moves to fresh pasture and local, manure-fertilized hay.

We always have our locally famous eggs, and seasonally we also have pork, lamb, goat, beef, turkey and chicken.

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